I cannot be the keeper of all things. Especially magazines! I love to be inspired by the images, stories and patterns. But there is just no possible way I can keep all the ones that I love – like QUILTmania. My home would be full, my sewing room impossible to work in. But I can’t just throw them away – there are too many wonderful article and special patterns that are hard to find for me to dump them in the recycle bin.
What to do with what I have?
There are a lot of ways to handle storing what I have – boxes, shelves, tubs. You name it, I’ve got it for storing one thing or another. I’ll bet you do, too! But the STUFF just keeps growing – multiplying at night while I sleep. (Secretly, I wish my antique quilts would do this, but alas, it’s the magazines and patterns and fabric that seem to be the culprits.) I have filled an entire bookshelf with just quilt history books. I have filled an entire closet with reproduction fabrics, antique quilts, special textiles, and other antique items. And every time I get a magazine in the mail I think, “Golly, where on earth will this one squeeze into my sewing room.” The short answer – IT WONT! But I think one of you has room for a magazine.
Paying it forward!
I have been very blessed by so many wonderful people in the quilt community; it has been my experience that quilters are typically kind and generous by nature. And I want to continue to propagate that idea by continuing to pay the goodness forward.
So if you like QUILTmania magazine. . . this is your day!
I’m starting with the six Special Issues that I have on hand. (All have the original patterns in tact.) I am GIVING THEM AWAY to the the first six people who leave a comment asking for the issue they would like to have – first come, first serve. (Be sure to read all the comments to see if the one you want is still available.) Just leave a comment with the issue number that you want – one per person please and send me a private email with your address. You DO NOT need to leave me your address in the comments – you can email me privately so I can get your shipping address. I will happily ship internationally to my far away friends! 🙂
I have 14 more QUILTmania issues to give away (regular issues) and I will be doing the give-aways over the course of the next few months, so check back often. All I ask in return . . .
Until next time. . . “Speak Life”